In Ternopil commemorated the victims of Stalinist repression
July 5 Mayor Sergei Nadal, together with the regional Society. Stus « Memorial » Ternopil and commemorated the victims of Stalinist repression 1939-1941 years. In those terrible years Bolsheviks tortured, according to historians, more than three thousand countryman in the dungeons sloeopilskoyi prison, the remains are buried in a mass grave at the cemetery Mykulynetskomu. At the grave clergy city celebrated a memorial service and laid flowers there and sang the anthem of Ukraine. &Laquo; we remember the innocent victims murdered Soviet communism and should also mention the victims of modern warfare. After all these sacrificespast and present - is our pain, sorrow and memories that we Liabilities ’ Knitted pass from generation to generation. Only sincere prayer contemporaries help calm the innocent tortured soul, and our work to rebuild a strong Ukraine will be the best city ’ Monument to tortured. May God repose of their souls. Glory to Ukraine! &Raquo; - Said SergeyNadal minutes. This was reported in the Ternopil City CouncilSource: