In Ternopol Sergey Nadal gave aid to soldiers in the area ATU

7 tons of drinking water for the soldiers who are on the front line and checkpoints in the area ATO, handed the mayor of Ternopol Sergey Nadal. In general, the front left of the machine load of almost 30 tonnes, which was also collected food and uniforms. &Laquo; I want to thank all indifferent thingsrnopolyanam that are attached to the transfer of care to our soldiers. Also a big thanks to volunteers who, sparing their health ’ I go to the front and military assistance vidvozyatsya & raquo ;, - says Sergey future. Volunteers from the group « East and West united » say that now collect support becomes more difficult. However, they can not sendand help the soldiers a large truck already the eighth time in the last six months, and in general the group were at the forefront of more than 150 times. &Laquo; In Fury food, such as flour and cereals, mineral water, because water is a problem on the front, and 150 sets of forms, 20 pairs of boots and more - says a volunteer, businessman Vasily skates. -We are often asked why at the forefront of flour? We deliver it to the bakery, where baked bread and buns, and then delivers the finished product guys. All things and food are taking this time of Volnovakha by Sands, Avdeevka, Mar ’ yinku and other items up to the village of Lugansk & raquo ;. Note that the water is transferred to the front was purchased by Koshyou from the city budget. A City Council often helps soldiers, in particular, was transferred n ’ Five cars for almost 100 thousand (gasoline generators, triggers for motors, chain saws, lubricants, etc.) and many other things. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council
