In the Volyn region rescuers check the state of combat readiness of local fire departments harvest campaign on the eve of July 2
representatives of Lutsk municipal regional management DSNS Ukraine in the Volyn region teams have inspected local fire brigades in the villages Bialystok and Charukiv Lutsk district. Since a week or two in aeffi- cient will harvest cereals, with lifeguards ’ yasovuvaly readiness rural firefighters to extinguish fires at about ’ yektah economy and ensure prompt response during harvest. Commending the work of rural firefighters, employees DSNS first drew attention to the technical condition of vehicles, their complete set onzhezhno technical equipment and serviceability phone called ’ communication. In addition, almost checked readiness: MPO staff traveled by conventional signal « Anxiety » and served water to extinguish the simulated fire. The local fire department in the village of Bialystok was created back in 2008, since firefighters have made several dozen exits in the surrounding villages. A territory, which serves the team, much – nine ’ Five villages in four rural councils. The unit operates at the private agricultural enterprise « & raquo ;, Bialystok that leased premises for duty firefighters and a garage for the car. There are all necessary conditions forduty fire: held heating, telephone, car – in good condition. A few years later set fire brigade in the village Charukiv that now serves neighboring villages. Village head Svetlana Kryschuk argues workers pozhkomandy repeatedly proven combat capability Responsiveness and skillful actions. Fire thaton duty that day, not only fulfilled the necessary conditions of the competition by making travel prearranged signal « Anxiety & raquo ;, but also demonstrated curb simulated burning primary means of fire. Employees DSNS inspected fire station and saw that even now the local fire brigades are preparing for winter byzdalehid zahotovlyayuchy fuel. Despite the crisis processes in the socio-economic life of the rural fire departments operate. It should be noted that local units tanker fire protection Bialystok and Charukova served more than 30 years, but they are in good condition. The problem is upgrade combat odyaGu and equipment. Despite the odds to save local fire team to the village is possible only by joint efforts of the community, local authorities and the workers themselves firefighting crews. Activities in the study of combat readiness units MPO will continue in the territory of the whole region to 10 July. Already in the coming days DSNS staff examine fireformation, functioning on the basis of private farms Lutsk district. UDSNS Ukraine in the Volyn regionSource: