In Ternopil work on the project long-term plan forming areas

communities continues next meeting of the working group that is working on a draft long-term plan of forming community areas Ternopil region on 3 July in the regional state administration. Took part in the meeting temporarily fulfills duties of Chief of Staff Ternopilskoyi State Administration Victor Shumada. He informed that in most regions of Ukraine Future plans already zastverdzheni. "Approval of the draft long-term plan forming Territories communities - national process - Viktor Shumada. - By this understanding should be placed executives of owAda and local governments. All those tasks are put before us Regional Council, we have accomplished. So I hope at the next session will still be approved draft long-term plan. " Dyretor Department of Architecture, Construction, Housing and Energy Efficiency Volodymyr Kharchenko said that on June 11 Ternopolska Regional State Administration Council considered the proposed draft long-term plan. "The session of Regional Council took note of the proposed project - said Vladimir Kharchenko. - According to a decision by June 15 we had to develop a schedule of public discussion of the future plans of forming areascommunities in potential centers of communities, to ensure its publication in the local media. Hence, to submit to the next plenary session of 52 doopratsvanyy session based on the results of public discussion a draft decision on approval pervspektyvnoho plan. " Volodymyr Kharchenko stressed that public discussions have already taken place in all 37potential community centers. They were run by the regional state adminitsratsiyi, Office reforms. "As a result of public discussions drafted a number of proposals for the future plans, - said Vladimir Kharchenko. - They are concerned communities and individuals who have expressed a move to another community, and to the formation of new communities. " During the SAGidannya team members actively discussed the proposal, expressed their concerns. Next week, after receiving and processing all offers held another meeting of the Commission, which will adopt the revised draft and the future plans of territories forming communities of the region. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
