In Chernivtsi region rescuers worked through fire suppression actions on potentially hazardous objects

July 3 in Chernivtsi Street. M. Torez the territory PAT « oil-fat factory » were carrying out tactical exercises to eliminate conventional fire. These studies were conducted to test the readiness of operasatyvno-Rescue Service of the Chernivtsi region to act in case of emergency situations involving accidents and fires in potentially dangerous about ’ yektah and interoperability management units DSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi oblast with other services in the aftermath of accidents and fires for those about ’ yektah. Most studies have been divided into two phases: theoretical and practical. In the first of them, the exercise participants were shown the most dangerous areas of the company, namely the composition of raw materials, oil extraction plant with fixed and floating benzoshovyschem, elevator materials designed for receiving, storing and shipping consumerAm meal, oil purification plant and a warehouse of finished products. Members exercises in detail told about the peculiarities of manufacturing production and the hazardous consequences of non-compliance may result in safety while. During the practical part of the training worked out action to eliminate fire in the tank so the finished product, in accordance assUma exercises due process violations occurred drain oil tank fire finished products capacity of 1000 cubic meters .. The threat of overturning the fire at the tank, standing on zahruztsi. First to eliminate conventional fire workers started professional fire post number 3 oil and fat plant, which at the same time claimovidomyly fire rescue service 101. Once the location of a call sent fighters DSNS two state fire-rescue parts of our city. On arrival firefighters the fire was in the grip area 120 sq.m .. To eliminate fire was created operational headquarters, which included staff representatives and management DSNS oil-awayyrovoho plant. Rescuers launched sleeve line and submitted water from fire trucks to cool the burning tank and located near tanks. In addition to the scene were sent to fire the train station Chernivtsi with which firefighters had foamy attack. Together conventional fire was extinguished. After this,Participants held a meeting, during which summed up conducted exercises. For the tactical special exercises engaged 8 vehicles and 35 personnel, including 5 vehicles and 19 personnel of the Office of DSNS. &Laquo; We must be ready for any situation in potentially dangerous about ’ Objects. Therefore training, which were conducted, aimed to improve the readiness of rescue workers and employees of oil and fat plant to perform tasks. Based on the results, which showed participants exercise, we can say that fire-rescue units Chernivtsi and fire employees post about this ’ of the object ready for action againand the need for » &Ndash; summed up the exercise DSNS Deputy Head of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region, Lieutenant Sergei civil protection Shmyhol. Press service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
