Faction " Freedom " Lviv city council demands to return to state ownership illegally privatized

facilities Faction PA " Freedom " Lviv city council requesting the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to return illegally privatized objects that were deliberately brought to bankruptcy by new owners in der-owned property and ownership of labor collectives. This June 19, 2015 said during a session of city council deputy Bogdan Galaiko svobodivets. The text of the appeal reads: &Quot; to the Ukrainian Parliament once again submit a bill that will pass into private ownership of strategic state enterprises. This is a project byLaw 1567 reduce the list of objects of state property not subject to privatization. We believe that the government's plans to privatize strategic enterprises do not meet the national interests of Ukraine. The consequence of this indiscriminate privatization will be the loss of state control over profitable enterprises, reduction of the State Budgetzhetu, a huge weakening of economic security, further impoverishment of the poorest. Sell ??profitable and strategic enterprise - a crime. Particularly cynical is that the government plans to do during the war, when these assets will be transferred for pennies close to the current government oligarchs. We demand that the current government to rejectaway from attempts to privatize profitable state-owned enterprises and enterprises of strategic importance for the state to organize a review of the legality of privatization of all large enterprises (in which the average number of employees exceeds one thousand. people a year, or the amount of gross revenue from sales in the year exceeds 50 million. USD.) andreturn unlawfully privatized objects that were deliberately brought to bankruptcy by new owners, the state and its own labor groups & quot ;. This was reported in the press service of the Lviv city organization VO " Freedom "

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/