On Friday Vinnichchine start new - wave 6 mobilization (+ photos) Some

demobilizuyut, mobilize other. On June 19, in Vinnytsia region starts next, sixth phase of mobilization, which will take place in two stages. This June 17, during a briefing military commissar of Vinnytsia regional military commissariat, Colonel Gennady debtseam. According to him, within 20 days will alert the public, collection and examinations, and will start from July 9 call to mobilize. "For 10 days - from 9 to 17 July will call the mobilization of resources. At that time, military service will be sent to training centers and training area where prohodytymut? combat training. Training will take place within two months from the beginning of the training centers, and as part of a specific unit - combat coordination "- said Gennady Dolhashov. Currently, according to Gennady Dolhashova require advanced fighters of all specialties. "The priority of the military, as before, those who have experience of military serviceand required military specialty. However, the deficit, as before - tanks, artillery and intelligence. It will prepare them most at the training centers "- said Gennady Dolhashov. However, Gennady Dolhashov stressed that the military are waiting for volunteers of all specialties. Incidentally, the number of volunteers in 5 waves partiallyher mobilization, whose task Vinnichchina fulfilled on time and in full, the leaders of our region. "Ten percent of the soldiers who were called to mobilize within the 5 wave - it is volunteers. Although the number of those who are waiting for the summons are willing to join the ranks of Ukrainian troops, compared with March last year, fell three times. Also, 1762 reservists joined the all-vinnichan list of those who evaded their military duty. In particular, those who consciously and systematically comes to military commissariats. Remind appropriate to military service when changing residence or employment fighter must inform in viyskkomayou "- said Gennady Dolhashov. As the military commissar of Vinnytsia regional military commissariat, Colonel Gennady Dolhashov, currently Vinnichchine of those who are called up for military registration to mobilize only 8%. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/