In Vinnitsa region held a training seminar-training "Organization and corrective programs for people who commit domestic violence" (+ photos)

Department of Family, Youth and Sports Regional State Administration jointly with the NGO "Progressive Women "June 15-16, 2015 was held educational training workshop forprofessionals who implement corrective programs for perpetrators of domestic violence. The event was attended by representatives of districts and cities of regional importance among employees of social services for family, children and youth and psychologists. At the workshop noted that the world community recognized violence sgiyeyu of the most common forms of the world's human rights violations. The spread of violence in the family not only destroy the harmony and harmony in the family and cause family distress, but also act as one of the preconditions of crime in society in general. In addition, children who grow up in families where violence is exerted in the future may transferichi this negative experience in their own lives. That is why the correction of aggressive behavior of persons forming new socially acceptable norms and values, non-violent behavior and humanist values ??are an important and essential. During the seminar, participants learned about the conceptual principles of implementation of the Integrated Programme korektion of men who commit violence or are at risk for having done so; acquired abilities and skills to conduct individual and group remedial work with men; considered launching mechanisms of aggressive behavior: what they are, how they recognize and get ahead; the nature of violence and domestic violence cycleviolence and its consequences. Each participant of the event received information and training materials on the implementation of the above program. As a result of this measure 31 trained specialist who implement corrective programs in the regions and cities of the region. Reference In Vinnitsa region the rehabilitation programs of persons who RFynyayut domestic violence launched in 2010. Since May 2012, with the assistance of the Family and Youth Administration, with a view to sharing the experience of regions and cities in the region started the rehabilitation programs in the city. Vinnytsya, conducted testing of new forms of work, worked out the algorithm of actions. As a result, in 2012 rothose completing such programs sent 141 person who committed domestic violence, including 65 people they passed. Following the 2013 passage to those programs directed 1034 persons who committed domestic violence, of which 451 passed their person. In 2014 due to the reduction in social work specialists of social services for family, childrenand and youth correction programs implemented in the region, the number of persons admitted to the passage of such programs has decreased and amounted to 884 people, including 372 persons passed them. In the first quarter of 2015 165 people sent to correctional programs, of which 34 people passed them. Department of Family, Youth governors and Sportsuu This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
