17-19 June in Brussels will Ukraine Championship on fire-applied sport among the

units DSNS Ukraine June 17-19 in Brussels will Ukraine Championship on fire-applied sport among departments DSNS Ukraine. Venue: Sports Complex Emergency and rescue unit of the Main control paninnya DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnitsky area with. Oleshyn. The grand opening June 17 at 09:00. Closing and awarding ceremony on 19 June. Accreditation lasts until 18:00 on 16 June. For more information, contact the press service GU DSNS in the Khmelnitsky region by calling 0382 699-181, 699-182, 097-684-35-38 (Andrew Kozak). PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/