Luck: "Celebration of the Olympic Flag" in young athletes of
Lutsk city center physical health "Sport for All" with Lutsk educational complex number 24 - Lyceum of Technology participated in the ceremony of "Celebration of the Olympic Flag" (lifting of the State Ukraine flag and the flag of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraineyiny) held across the country and the opening's European games in Baku. At the solemn event before the main entrance UC team ranked number 24 city finals football "Leather Ball" among the clubs on a residence MTSFZN "Sport for All" and the children prishkolnom camp day stay "Constellation" SPC number 24. The right roseyou gave the Olympic flag captain-winners finals football "Leather Ball" age group. Deputy director on educational work of SPC number 24 Love Vegera told children about the European games (Yevropiada) as multispecies sports who initiated in 2015 and have become pan-Asian or analogue Panamaerykanskyh games. Organizers of the ceremony were intended not only to talk about the historical aspect of European competitions, but also promote the development of the Olympic movement in Ukraine, educate patriotism, pride in the success of Ukrainian athletes, their nation, to form positive attitude to the Olympic movement and healthylife, promote humanistic Olympic ideals. After the ceremony, all participants unanimously wished success of our Olympians in European games and made a symbolic victory lap on the treadmill stadium. Also, more than 150 children participated in athletics races 300 and 500 m, which had organizers of the festival. City center fizychnohof health "Sport for All" (720335) This was reported in Lutsk city councilSource: