Ternopil call to come up with names of

fountains PUD « Ternopilvodokanal » together with Ternopil City Council appeals to Ternopil asking to come up with names of fountains. &Laquo; Ternopil has long been considered the city fountains. Changing times, carried out the reconstruction of waterfalls and updated form they receivesmuvaly new names - the director KP « Ternopilvodokanal » Vladimir Kuzma. - Yes, the fountain in the park Shevchenko called now « Life & raquo ;, and one on the Theater Square, - « flower blackthorn & raquo ;. No names yet dwell only reconstructed fountains in the park last year « Topilche » and on Blvd.cu Daniel Galician. We decided to correct this injustice and appeal to Ternopil asking this fountain invent new titles & raquo ;. Inventing, says the head of KP « & raquo ;, Ternopilvodokanal should take into account not only the appearance of waterfalls, but also their location and history. Options names will be accepted until 3 July. Onbeating results plan to spend July 5 - 66 anniversary of the founding of office once « & raquo ;, Vodokanal and now KP « Ternopilvodokanal & raquo ;. Names for fountains should be sent to e-mail the company info@vodokanal.te.ua marked « Name for fountain & raquo ;. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/