In Vinnitsa region by providing administrative services to the public cadastre local budgets from early 2015 received 1344.4 thousand. UAH.
Since 2015 Derzhheokadastru territorial authorities in the Vinnytsia region in the National cadastral system as of 11/06/2015 p. 45,779 registered applications. Among them: 18,612 - to take away minesnennya state registration of land 27167 - for the provision of extracts from the State Land Cadastre. All registered 45,801 worked statement. 18,283 registered land and granted 27,159 positive extracts from the State Land Cadastre. In total, from the provision of administrative services public cadastreand the local budget funds received in the amount of 1344.4 thousand. UAH. Also, management experts and local offices in Vinnitsa region Derzhheokadastru processed and provided answers to inquiries of legal and physical entities (executive authorities, state authorities) on the availability of ownership and use of land almost 66,967 natychnym and legal entities. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: