In the Lviv region in Svoboda Brody district council demands to punish those responsible for the illegal privatization of land in EMDU
svobodovtsev Brody district council declare illegal the privatization of the former head of the district grid (SEM) Yaroslav Bilynska land, which belongs to community property, and require recovery's justspine in this case. This is stated in a parliamentary inquiry to the Prosecutor Brody district, to Derzharhbudkontrolyu and the Mayor Brody, who supported the deputies at the session Brody District Council 11 June 2015. According to the MPs, the public Bridschyny growing outrage over the privatization of tasty piece of land in the centerm. Brody district council deputy several convocations, former manager of Brody REM Bilynska. &Quot; At the Brody REM in the leadership Bilynskogo facility was under construction - a dining room for its employees. Bilynsky not very concerned about the completion of the construction, and organized it selling for yourself. Was ophanizovano and seizure under this facility land size of 0.1 hectares, which is almost a third of the REM Brody. Extract was supposed to reconstruct the unfinished dining construction and maintenance of residential homes, although no problems with housing in Bilynskogo not. Why the construction and maintenance of housingovogo house and why 0.1 hectares of land under the object, which takes more than two times smaller area? Because the law allows free entry to the ownership of land maximum area of ??0.1 hectares soon as the construction and maintenance of housing. In another development, this area had to redeem at market price. However, legislation tot allows free privatization of land for housing only once and Bilynsky such a right already sold before. The next step in the scheme was the sale facility under construction son Bilynskogo. Now this place is not built a house and luxury hotel building a commercial establishment recognitionitely & quot ;, - said in the request. MPs demand to check the situation with the privatization and sale of plots on the subject of corruption officials and take appropriate measures. This was reported in the press service of the Lviv regional organization VO " Freedom "Source: