Three residents of Zhytomyr police seized drugs
For the past day law enforcement officers accused three residents of the region in illegal possession of drugs. Initiation of criminal proceedings. June 9 in. Berdichev police stopped a VAZ 21150 32-year resident of the district center. During the review by car, the cabin was yourevealed two medical syringe with brown liquid. On the same day, in the regional center, during a search authorized apartments previously convicted 27-year zhytomyryanyna, the police found and seized a plastic bag with 15 grams of plant mass ma green and device for drug use. In m. Zhytomyr patrolno police detained 18-year-old young man who in his pocket during the external review found a plastic roll of white powdery mass. Removed in all three cases the substance sent to study to the Research Forensic Centre at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Into the illegal storage of drugs (part.1 309 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) started criminal proceedings. Such illegal actions by applicable law punishable by a fine, correctional labor for up to two years to six months arrest, restraint or imprisonment up to 3 years. Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr regionSource: