In the Volyn region Manevychchyny resident convicted for evasion of mobilization

Manevychi district prosecutor's office supported the state prosecution in criminal proceedings against viyskovozobov ’ commitments that escaped of mobilization. Recognized military medical commission unfit for military service 31-old resident of the village Kalinovka Manevychi district, received a summons, arrived at a certain time to send the call to undergo military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Manevychi District Court verdict man who sincerely repented and actively promoted the disclosure of the crime, convicted in the evasion of mobilization and prepareHainaut sentence of three years imprisonment with the establishment of a two-year trial period. Note that currently the district prosecutor's office made no procedural guidance in n ’ mint investigated investigators JI District Police Manevychi Ukraine in the Volyn region of the criminal proceedings avoidance citizens of mobilization. PrIt was reported at the press service of the prosecutor's office Volyn region
