At Vinnytsia summons - is not sending the army, and the invitation to the draft specification for the data

'agendas - is not sending the army, and an invitation to the military commissariat to undergo certain procedures: specification credentials, medical examination, interviews with the military Commissariat for the presence of grounds for sludgemobilization of years old. The results of this procedure, the Commission will decide on the suitability of every citizen of Ukraine to fulfill its constitutional duty "- said the military commissar of Vinnitsa Regional Military Commissariat Gennady Dolhashov. Gennady Dolhashov talked about some features of alert citizens ase started. Representatives of the military commissioners, based on the fact that the number of people and professions which required military service alert at home, at work, in transport and in other places. In the villages for military service can notify the representatives of village councils. Representatives of the police may also be involved inAlerts military service with a summons as specified procedure is not contrary to the law. In the summons indicated time and address, which has come responsibilities. Upon receipt of the summons must appear in exactly the scheduled time to a designated military commissariat, having a military ID or certificate, etc.ypysku to the recruiting station and passport. Drivers must have a driver's license for the right to manage. Do not be mobilizing people who were declared unfit and those during the passage of the medical commission declared temporarily unfit. However, recently given the opportunity to undergo six months re MedoSee. If the summons did not come, and you want to demonstrate their civic position and willingness to defend our country, take your passport and military ID - and get you to the military commissariat. You may be required at this stage or write down your contact lists to potential demand. In any case - that military commissariat will provide you with the necessary guidelines and recommendations and outline future action plan. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
