In the Lviv region Brody district Svoboda called on the district authorities to help the wounded at the front krayanynu

April 28, 2015 at the session of the Brody District Council deputy from VO " Freedom " Hope Prysyazhnyuk delivered a request to the deputy chairman of RSA Ruslan Cones Brody and Brody district council chairman Olga on Shaydullinoyiproviding materially assist participants in the war in the East, vazhkoporanenomu military pilot Major Sergey Titarenko. As emphasized Hope Prysyazhnyuk, among the heroes who sacrificed their lives for Ukraine - Brody Birdman Aviation Regiment, Major Sergei Titarenko. When the war began, he went without hesitation to perform tasks in the East. June 4 ithelicopter shot down by terrorists over the Slavic. Sergei survived, but after a powerful blow in the fall he injured his spine cars. Treatment in Kiev lasted four months, then continued in Germany. After three months of Germany's major Titarenko was treated at the Lviv hospital. Sergei moves on a wheelchair. Already in late February moMr. returned from treatment in a small apartment on the 5th floor building with no lift, home to the parents of his wife and he and his family in which two children. For 10 years of service to the Fatherland Defender and did not deserve their own homes. &Quot; indifferent Ukrainian combine their efforts to find resources for housing heroic soldier - applying for it before RegionalS and the central government seeking funds in foreign benefactors. However, we believe that the regional government has vidmezhovuvatysya from this problem. Our sacred duty - to find funds to support b'yudzheti Sergey Titarenko and his family. Considering the above, we are turning to you to provide the district with b'yudzhetu 100 thousand UAH for materially helpedPG for vazhkoporanenoho Sergey Titarenko & quot ;, - said in the request. This was reported in the press service of the Lviv regional organization VO " Freedom "
