In Vinnitsa region discussed how to improve the work of the centers of administrative services (+ photos)
29, Vinnytsia hosted a training seminar "Improvement of the center of administrative services." The event was organized by the Center for Political and Legal Reforms (m. Kyiv), Centre for Local Government (m. Lviv) and the Department eqonomichnoho Regional Development RSA. During assembly of regional experts, together with leaders TsNAPiv Vinnichiny discussed improving the quality of administrative services through improvement of centers of administrative services (TSNAP) in cities and districts of the province. Opening the event director of economicFirst, regional development Regional State Administration Oleksandr Yakubyk said that the government should enhance the quality of administrative services through improvement of TSNAP in every district of Vinnitsa region. The official said that three months of this year in Vinnytsya oblast centers received 206,000 services. "In our area it is 28ntriv including 5 miskrayonyh and 20 district. However, not all of them are provided, as in Vinnitsa. First of all, the result of lack of proper funding. However, given that the first phase of decentralization reform - fiscal decentralization began to bear first results in 3 months in parts of local budgets executionin annual volume. This will enable us to provide better centers and bring them to the level "Transparent Office" regional center "- said Alexander Yakubyk. Deputy Head of the Center for Political and Legal Reforms Viktor Tymoshchuk during the workshop presented the main directions of reform of public services, problems and risks of this process. ByHe said that one of the main problems is the absence of cooperation and joint action between territorial divisions of central executive bodies and centers of administrative services. Deputy Chairman of the Center for Studies and expert local governments Games Brygilevych drew attention to the need to develop effectivex TSNAP, which would have to know the citizens and what they would need to address. It is necessary to unite the efforts of all levels of government and the public. In addition, during the event managers TSNAP Vinnitsa region were acquainted with achievements of the "Transparent Office" Volyn region. Thus, Deputy Head of Volyn Regional State Administration Roman Matviychuk shared the experience of creating a network TSNAP in Volyn region by implementing uniform organizational approaches and implementation of electronic document TSNAP in districts and towns. He also noted that in Lutsk TsNAPah almost all services provided there the city council and territorial offices of CEB. In particular, since mid-February2015 is the issuance of biometric passports in the room TSNAP. The participants took part in the discussion of the presented topics provide suggestions and recommendations for improvement of TSNAP and supported the need for the formation and implementation of a coherent state policy on development TSNAP services and real transfer of Vikoexecutive power to TSNAP. Workshop held with the financial support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Ukraine. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: