Methods for determining the future child floor
for cheho We zhyvem on toy plan? Navernyaka asked myself this question Each man, Even Though something not on sedovlasy, umudrenny zhyznyu Experience and philosopher. Rosary answer to this question no, yes and Can Do bt unlikely, because the man, because of yndyvydualnosty own way, ymeet razne zhyznenne pryorytet, Razne, plastic and vzhlyad on the same issues. Topics not less than all We opredelennoj degree in podchynyaemsya bazovm pryrodnm ynstynktam. Perhaps our dependence from them or s Effect in our life nastolko not critical and opredelyayusche, As in animals, the more not less than without them (ynstynktov) not b That was the humanity and technical dostyzhenyy, kotore Ono sovershylo. RevIZ most vazhnh it possible to dare schytat ynstynkt prodolzhenyya Rhoda After all ymenno Thanks to emu persists and pryumnozhaetsya our population. This hlobalny But the figure and life analyzyrovat If a delay srednestatystycheskoy family, the child rozhdenye them javljaetsja most ozhydaemm, striking, zhyzneobrazuyuschym events. C moment of appearance on pagewet little chelovechka all actions, thoughts and parents rodnh nachynayut podchynyatsya ego interests. But no less than half ozhydaemm point javljaetsja the future child. If otoyty nemnoho from obschechelovecheskyh, semeynh vzhlyadov solely on this question, and rukovodstvovatsya historically, hosudarstvennmy soobrazhenyyamy, the child half yhral ysklyuchyEven PRE important role in the life of the state (not zrya well Heir throne at monarhycheskom Story in Most cases stanovylsya Boy). Neither's no secret that this question not only volnuet sovremennh prodvynuth ??mamochek, also on volnoval vseh mothers and fathers t is time. Therefore Ymenno for its history mnoholetnyuyu people sozdaly Categoriesenamel methods and Virtually Theoretically, pozvolyayuschyh with one or ynoy stepenyu accuracy Attempt to detect (predict) the floor mladentsa. As reported portal "Peace Mom" ??Given :, ohromnoe approaches Quantity question for all floor suschestvuyuschye methods for determining the child can be conditionally bolshye partition into three groups: 1. Medytsynskye techniques. 2. mpyrychesKie theory. 3. People's methods.Medytsynskye prediction methods
Tochnee will be to say not even a prediction but planomernoho Scheduling, because the realnh Implementation of the prediction methods no. This lohychno in principle, because the High ymeya definitely a question of knowledge navky work with henetycheskym material, can with accuracy up to 100% etc.edopredelyt half vasheho Malysh. It should, however, ohovorytsya, something Application of such methods As Sorting spermatozoydov or preymplantatsyonnaya diagnostics Perhaps Implementation at yskusstvennoho oplodotvorenyya. Well and co vsemu Other blank, These protsedur krajne dear.mpyrycheskye theory
K toy the group can be otnesty techniques kotore yes noUT absolyutnoy uverennosty in the accuracy of forecasts and bazyruyutsya mainly on observation and sopostavlenyyah. Most vostrebovannmy methods dannoy groups are: - Theory definitions floor on child lunar calendar; - Adherence opredelennh diets (for example, frantsuzskoy); - Theory of harmony; - Updates Theory blood; - Chinese products and yaponskyetablyts and many others.People's methods
This is for the most schet as well nablyudatelny prediction As example, Narodnaya will take. Typically, object observations stanovyatsya absolutely razne moment (nature, heredity, vneshnost, genetics, age and etc.).Conclusion
Not smotrya ohromneyshee wish, lyuboptstvo and neterpelytunities future parents, not always worth it to take on itself the role of God and uchastvovat predopredelenyy Malysh fate. After all pryyatno uvydet How to Light svoeho healthy Malysh, from nezavysymo of This Boy or devochka.Source: