The session Ternopil City Council listened to representatives of initiative groups on issues

28 April 59 session began Ternopil City Council, which came on a number of issues Ternopil. Representatives Ternopil initiative groups on issues around the stadium « Texterno » and activities on the market wool. Sheptytsky was listened at the session. Mayor Sergei Nadal instructed both on a commission, the composition of which include the public, the city council and developers. &Laquo; there was a real problematic issue of the stadium buildings « Texterno » on the street. Unification. However, this issue has two components. After all diffetion were adopted during the previous cadences, and the discontent of citizens want to use for their own pre-election PR representatives of some NGOs, - says Sergey future. &Ndash; A similar situation is with businesses that sell on the market. For the same activists scare entrepreneurs, they do not remain working Monthsts. We create the right conditions for entrepreneurs to trade & raquo ;. As for stadium « Texterno » on the street. Unity, on the city council no legal grounds to take any decision because all paperwork, including the allocation of land and providing urban conditions, were issued during the previous kadentsiy. This issue can only be solved in court. The question of trade on the street. Sheptitskiy raised at the meeting, the Head of Ternopil city department of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine. Ternopil Hukalyuk Peter, who again appealed to MPs to revoke any decision on the sale on the sidewalks for pedestrians walking on the carriagewaypart, hindering traffic. On the latter point, the mayor instructed the Department of Trade, welfare and consumer protection to provide businesses that sell on the sidewalks of the city for all the seats available in the markets where they can work. Indeed, in early May will be decided according to which trade on the street. SzeptyckaFirst will be banned and all about shopping ’ objects that remain in this area will be removed. April 29 Mayor will meet with entrepreneurs and the market once again with them to discuss all issues. Implementation of these issues is on the personal control of the mayor. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council
