In the Rivne region Ostrog district chief robber detained

Add your own budget through donations for the treatment of sick children decided 30 years unemployed ostrozhanyn Oleg. Going into one of the pharmacies of the city, a man grabbed a box of money from the counter, hidden under the shirt and threw heels. Over 360 hryvnia Oleg stolen from other people now can claimozbutysya liberty for four years. Puzzled pharmacist tried to catch the attacker, but could not. Vybihshy from the pharmacy, the woman shouted after him only to her husband, he returned to the box. But just at that moment the car drove head FACS Ostrog MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Rivne region Sergey Verbitskyy. - I saw a man inybih of pharmacies with some object hidden under clothing. So immediately realized that he had stolen something. Therefore, the attacker was able to immediately apprehend and deliver to the city police station - said Sergey Verbitskyy. As the head of Ostrog MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Rivne region Valery Samchuk, the matter open criminal proceedingsprovided for by paragraph 1 of article 186 (robbery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article provides for punishment of imprisonment for a term of four years. Victoria Antonova, Ostrog MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine Rivne region
