In Vinnytsia average price of gas for households that receive Naftogaz after the last tariff revision, is 2 834 USD, and not 7188 USD (+ photos)
"Naftogaz Ukraine" April 28 published their calculation of costs and revenues related knitted procurement and supply of gas to the population. Last modified tariff reduces negativedifference between the purchase price of gas and its implementation, but does not cover it completely. Naftogaz is forecast within 12 months from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, for households will need to put 21.3 billion cubic meters. meters of gas. Of these, 14.5 billion cubic meters. meters of gas will be consumed by households using gas for preparationof food, hot water and heating needs. Another 6.8 billion cubic meters. meters of gas will be supplied to businesses utility companies (CTV) for the production of heat for households using centralized hot water and heating. Under current law of Ukraine "On principles of operation of the gas market," the amount of domestically produced gas, Icue Naftogaz will buy for households at below market prices for the period is 12.8 billion cubic meters. m. This amount will cover approximately 60% of the population in Gaza. About 40% (8.5 billion cu. M) of gas to meet the needs of the population in the gas and the heat will be imported gas that will be purchased at market prices. Gross lossNaftogaz of gas supply for the population in the 12 months from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016 is estimated at 6.1 billion USD, provided the cost of imported gas at the border of Ukraine at 250 dollars. / Th. cu. m, the hryvnia 21.7 UAH / USD. and 100% of consumer payments for delivered gas. If the price of gas or rate will be higher and the level of rozrahunkiv lower cash deficit Naftogaz will increase. Complete information is available at: According to the Office of Public Relations National Joint Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine"This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: