Four-year sentence for theft Volynyane received from the company

Three men, two of whom - factory workers, stole 20 boxes of copper raw materials totaling about 80 thousand. The police have been notified of the theft of wires Enterprise Lutsk region. The disappearance of the materials found guards during transportgoods. Law enforcement officials determined the driver and senior staff, which gave the product, decided to earn extra money. Attackers have found a buyer, so have developed a scheme by which they sell stolen goods. Away from the village Rovantsi goods loaded truck waiting for their accomplice. He accompanied the car to the place of shipment, removing seals from car thievestook part boxes of raw materials. Thus thieves successfully "implemented" eight boxes of copper totaling more than 30 thousand. Secondary craftsmen worked in the same way. However, the fact that the seal is damaged and disappeared 12 boxes of goods guards noticed the company where the goods were delivered. This time the stolen materials company estimated at 49 tonsysyach USD. According to a criminal offense under Part. 2, Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, Lutsk, Volyn Oblast City Court appointed three thieves to four years in prison. However, the final decision Themis awarded his free men from serving a sentence of probation. Kolyshnomu warehouse worker for three years probation, and his two accomplices - two. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
