In Vinnitsa region police officers exposed, which caused damage to the state half a million
Operatives Department of Civil Service Economic Crimes exposed head accountant and an enterprise Koziatyn district illegally received 468 000 hryvnia budget. By submitting false documents package, hustlers got the money inas compensation for purchased pedigree cattle. As the chief UDSBEZ Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa region Stanislav Maklakov The checks investigators found that in April 2007 the Company purchased 156 head of cattle in the company, which was not of breeding and reproduction. Further, in order to get dotation for the purchase of breeding cows dairy productivity, company officials arranged for purchased cattle breeding fake certificates and documents submitted to the Commission agroindustrial development Kozyatynska district administration for which it was decided to allocate society budget in the amount of 468 thousand UAH. Police also found that at the time of filing for special subsidies provided to farmers, the company had arrears of tax on personal income, which is legally prescribed barrier to obtaining grants. In this incident opeRita criminal proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 222 (financial fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. For the offense is punishable by a fine up to three thousand times the income of the deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years. Ongoing investigation. SZEM MIA Engayiny in Vinnitsa regionSource: