Ivano-Frankivsk passing police stockpiles of weapons, people lost their criminal liability

shotgun, rifle units, gas pistols, ammunition of various calibers and even grenade - that such considerable and dangerous stock surrendered to police Kolomiyskogo area residents. All dangerous stocks that during monthand voluntary surrender of weapons (started April 1 and runs until the end of the month), kolomyyany brought to the police sent to the Research Forensic Centre at Ministry of Internal Affairs in the region. And since people voluntarily surrendered firearms, ammunition, explosives, illegally kept them exempt from criminal liability. Tofurther details regarding the voluntary surrender or register weapons citizens can contact the licensing department of public safety management system MIA of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk call (0342) 790-315 or (0342) 790-315. It should also be remembered that unregistered weapons - is not only a violation of the law, but also withina accidents that can happen to offenders and their minor children. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/