Vinnytchina: by 2014 the region's economy was invested over USD 250mln. US
According to the Department of Statistics in the Vinnitsa region, the amount entered in the beginning of investment in the economy of foreign direct investment (equity) of 31 December 2014. amounted to 250.9 million. USA. In 2014. The foreignwe investors invested 28.4 million. US direct investment (equity). Reduction of capital in 2014. is 86.9 million. (Including by exchange rate differences - 85.1 mln.). Investments came from 48 countries. EU countries from the beginning of investment has included 219.3 million. investments (87.4% of total share capital), and withnshyh countries - 31.6 million. (12.6%). In terms of foreign direct investment region ranks 18th among the regions of Ukraine. Industrial enterprises are concentrated 150.3 million. (59.9%) of the total direct investment in the region, including processing - 124,3 mln. and mining and quarrying development - 24.9 million. Amongmanufacturing industries in the production of food, beverages and tobacco products has included 64.2 million. direct investment, manufacturing of wood products, paper, printing - 30,5 mln., manufacture of chemicals and chemical products - 16.5 million. In organizations that operate in a field taccumulated and Support Services - 14.8 million. (5.9% of total) direct investment in the agricultural, forestry and fisheries - 31.2 million. (12.4%) engaged in real estate transactions - 8.1 million. (3.2%), wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles - 6.8 million. (2,7%). Significant proportion (49.3%) of foreign capital is concentrated in Vinnitsa - 123.8 million. Also, significant amounts of foreign investment is concentrated in Kozyatyn area - 30.5 million. (12.1%), Nemyriv - 14.6 million. (5.8%) and Tulchyn - 11.7 million. (4.7%). Other districts of the region's leading place in terms of foreign investment utrytheir own in: m.Ladyzhyn, m.Kozyatyn and Lipovetsky, Bar, Tyvrovsky, Vinnitsa areas. The volume of foreign direct investment (equity) in the region, by country of 31 December 2014. amounted to 116.3 thous. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: