In exactly judge the policeman, who demanded and received 5 thousand. UAH.
Rivne Oblast Prosecutor's Office approved and sent to the court indictment regarding policeman for committing a criminal offense under Part. 3. 368 (receiving undue advantage, combined with extortion) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. - Established that police captain inymahav citizen and received from funds in the amount of 5 thousand. UAH. for assistance in deciding neprytyahnennya last administrative proceedings - this deputy prosecutor Andrew Borovik. - A police officer removed from his post, the court against him a preventive measure in the form of clock domashnoFirst arrest. Recall crime exposed and stopped when receiving the Guardians of the funds in the amount of 2 thousand. UAH. 03/16/2015 prosecutors and Security Service of Ukraine in Rivne region. Sanction of the article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for a specified criminal offense punishable with imprisonment fora period of 5 to 10 years of deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years with confiscation of property and with a special forfeiture. Press service of the regional prosecutor's officeSource: