In Ternopil honor the memory of the victims of World War II

Memorial Day and celebrate reconciliation May 8 in Ternopil. This was reported at a meeting of the organizing committee, which was held April 27, in the Ternopil Oblast State Administration. "Radically changing concept of celebration activities related to the commemoration of the victims of World War II - incried the head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration Stepan Barna. - All events will take place May 8-9, held under the slogan "Remember - win!". This means that we fully back to European traditions of celebrating May 8 - in the form of commemorative events across the region. " Stepan Barna said that the government, gromadskist has to honor both those who defended their homeland decades ago and now its defenders. "All the defenders of the Motherland different years should be adequately respected, and in all the activities that take place in Ternopil region, should be involved veterans and soldiers ATO" - emphasized the head of RSA. All body responsible fortion activities on the ground head region reminded that symbol of celebration - red poppies symbolizing reconciliation and understanding among all countries. As the director of culture, religions and nationalities RSA Gregory Chergui, dedicated to the memory of days and reconciliation in the regional center and other settlements of the region also incorporatesanovano many activities. In particular, May 8 meeting-requiem and will lay flowers in a park near the monument of Glory "Mother's call." Pray on this day and Mykulynetskomu cemetery, near the graves of victims of political repression, cross memorial to victims of all wars on the graves of soldiers who died in the ATO. Temples in the area sentfuneral liturgy and prayers for peace and tranquility in Ukraine. Also in the plans - documentary exhibitions, roundtables, meetings lessons for students with World War II veterans and members of ATU, visiting disabled veterans and others. Also the head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration stressed Precautions during 8-9 May. "We can not allow any-yakyh provocation - said Stepan Barna. - But now there are reports of possible sabotage. " The head of Ternopil instructed law enforcement prevention, and close May 8 - of enhanced status, especially in bus stations and other places with large concentrations of people. Law enforcement officials have now work out a linktion option of service in these days. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
