Ternopil, rescuers had "Day of Civil Protection"

day in Kremenets boarding school I-III held « Day of Civil Protection & raquo ;, which was attended by students, teachers, educators, and staff as well as members of the 5th State Fire -ryatuvalnoyi of Management. For defined audio alarm etc.ovely evacuation of students to the collection site. The organization which provided the class teachers, teachers who conducted the lesson at the time of anxiety for age classes. Rescuers described in detail and shown explosive devices, procedure for their detection. Described the enforcement of fire safety in the spring and summer. Reminded of Safety of rulesEka while swimming and stay near water, as well as the movement in the zone traffic. And teachers and students Kremenetskogo Medical College. A. Richynskoho demonstrated first aid for bleeding, fractures of limbs, head injuries, and others.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/