Poland did not let its territory bikers

Polish government reports that they missed in the country about 10 motorcyclists, bikers from. It is reported. A spokesman for the Department of Border Service Nadbuzhanskoho Poland Dariusz Syenitskyy said that April 27 these individuals are not allowed to cross the Belarusian-Polish cordsthrough Mr. « documented violations & raquo ;. About 20 riders, including members of the Moscow club « Night Wolves & raquo ;, close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, April 25, started motocross from Moscow to Berlin route Soviet army during World War II. Poland April 24 announced that the group will not miss a motorcyclesteve. Leader « Night Wolves » Zaldostanov named Alexander « Surgeon » April 25 said that if the authorities of Poland will miss the entire group, motorcyclists will travel « apart from different points & raquo ;. Club « Night Wolves » became well known for his close relationship with the leader Oleksandr Zaldostanov PresidentVolume Vladimir Putin and his defiantly « n-patriotic » position.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/