Address by Chief of DSNS Ukraine in Lviv region Sergey Dmitrov to liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

More than two decades, and Chernobyl tragedy remains in memory ’ memory of mankind. This day will always combine all other memories, sadness by one, by one of hope. After all, that tragicday, April 26, 1986 Word « Chernobyl » all burst into every house Ukrainian, giving birth to the inevitable tragedies, the magnitude of which could be much higher if not for the courage and sacrifice firefighters. Let me express my gratitude and pay their respects for your heroism and selflessness. Because the cost of their sameyttya health and without hesitation, and hesitation, hundreds of volunteers went to the blossoming spring meeting unknown risk to fulfill their civic and human Duty ’ Connection. Realizing the complexity of the situation, you are neglecting their own security stepped forward nepryborkuvanomu deadly evil to save the lives of millions of people were notleast in our country, but also throughout the world. I sincerely wish you and your family and friends good health ’ I, vitality, family comfort, happiness, peace, kindness and harmony. Let there always be near you human thanks for your good deeds!
