Chernivtsi region, per day were 2
fires on February 18 special line 101 was reported by a local resident about a fire in the village of Great outbuildings Kuchuriv Storozhynetsky area. The fire was seen holder farming, where the fire was covered by all the outbuildings. The building was completely trees ’ Yang, and it skladuvaMoose hay contributed to the rapid spread of fire. At the scene immediately sent a fire fighting rescue of rescue special unit of the Office of DSNS, another guard rescuers from the city Storozhynets and local fire department Great Kuchuriv village. The primary task of firefighters had problemsand to prevent further spread of fire is close to the house. Due to operational actions of rescuers managed to save the house. The preliminary cause of the fire was a violation of fire safety during installation wiring. The dead and injured at the scene of a fire there. Damage from the fire set. Another fireand there was the burning of dry grass in the open area on the street Zolochiv regional center. Area fire was 2 hectares. Rescuers managed to locate and subsequently eliminate fire. Press Service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionSource: