Bukovina traffic police urges citizens in the accident with minor mechanical damages up Yevroprotokoly.
First of all, skoyivshy this accident, you relieve yourself of administrative responsibility, save your time for other worries. Simplified mechanism design accident by drawing Yevroprotokolu is convenient to Applyuvanni, effective in solving problems that anytime and anywhere is likely to face the driver. It should be city ’ in mind that if you call after the accident to " 102 & quot ;, and then agreed with a participant of the accident to resolve the issue yourself, assembly Yevroprotokolu is no longer possible because the traffic police Liabilities&Rsquo; react linked into the call. So, remember that Yevroprotokol – This is a form of offensive messages of the accident, which is filled with drivers participating accidents at the site of the accident, then provided the insurer and is the basis for payment of insurance compensation to victims. Blank seems Yevroprotokolu car ownerfree during the contract compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles. In case of loss or use the form Yevroprotokolu new form insurer has issued a written statement. Yevroprotokolom can be used in case if there was an accident: Without injured (dead) people; Drivers participating accident with vehicle liability policies; Concord drivers, accident participants, on its circumstances; In water, no signs of alcohol, drugs or other intoxication or being under the influence of drugs. In case of failure of at least one compulsory for Yevroprotokolu mindOJ, call the road inspectors required for registration accident ’ compulsory. Before you fill Notice accident advise you, if appropriate means, to photograph the scene and both vehicles involved in the accident. These photos provide insurance agent with the notice of Dr.orozhno accidents. If there was an accident, what to do? From the initial action after an accident participants largely dependent fixation circumstances adventure, and further and evaluation of the driver (drivers) to comply with traffic rules, that is the question of who the driver is the culprit. Member of the accident Liabilities ’ Knitted: - Comply with under the rules of the road Duty ’ bonds driver involved in the accident; - Take steps to prevent or reduce further damage; - Inform others involved in this adventure of themselves, their place of residence, name and location of the insurer and provide information on appropriate insuranceforests; - Immediately, but no later than three working days after the accident commit in writing to provide the insurer with which the contract is required ’ compulsory insurance of civil liability notice of an accident; - Keep the damaged property (vehicles) in the condition in which it was found after the accident, as pip until it has been inspected by the insurer appointed representative; - Assist the insurer and MTSBU of known circumstances and provide for inspection and copying documents on accident within seven working days of receipt of the information or document. Members adventure alone can inspect the scene and to chart an accident, possibly involving twodisinterested persons (witnesses). If drivers have used Yevroprotokolom, they are: -mayut right to leave the scene of accidents, -zvilnyayutsya from the obligation to inform the State Ministry of Ukraine occurrence of accidents -zvilnyayutsya from administrative liability provided for causing the accident, -povynni within three working days of the accident callsrnutys your copy of the completed Yevroprotokolu to the insurer, which entered into a contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles. Reference This simplified mechanism design accident introduced in Ukraine from 19 September 2011, when the Act came into force Ukraine « On IntroductionAmendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine concerning accidents and insurance indemnity payment » from 17.02.2011 3045-VI. In the European Union registration accidents without involvement of traffic police started to be used in the 50's of last century. Now in most EU drivers who got into an accident, etc.ostatno Yevroprotokolu fill in the form to place the event. The main side form (to fill) Yevroprotokolu structurally identical chapters in all countries where it is implemented, differing only in the language in which the printed form. This is to ensure that drivers from different countries to quickly navigate if they get into an accident on thein another. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs UGAI Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/