In Chernihiv region in kindergarten ¹32 rescuers had DSNS educational and informative event

April 24 in Chernihiv preschool school ¹32 firefighters and pyrotechnics Management DSNS in Chernihiv region held educational and informative event, which was held in the "knowledge of the foundations of the Week life safety ", continuedin educational institutions in Chernihiv. Rescuers during communication with kids reminded emergency phone numbers and told about the dangers of handling an open fire, matches and lighters, proven security measures in case of hazardous or unknown items, and proper treatment in the home and during leisure.In addition, students presented the institution with technology and weapons fire and rescue units, its purpose during fire suppression and emergency events have demonstrated mock explosive objects and describe their threat. Especially kids were delighted with that part of the event, when able to feel the real OCtuvalnykamy themselves trying on masks, body armor, helmets, hold hands in fire-technical equipment and ammunition layouts, sit in the cockpit fire trucks and more. In conclusion, administration, teachers, and especially small children kindergarten thanked firefighters and pyrotechnics DSNS for meaningful teaching and learning forcourse and wished least as disturbing calls. Management DSNS in Chernihiv region
