In Chernivtsi region rescuers explain preschoolers safety rules DSNS

Employees of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region in conjunction with the kindergarten number 52, which is located in Chernivtsi Street. Poletaeva organized a meeting with the pupils of the kindergarten. The purpose of this event is to educatechildren safety rules, to accustom their culture of safe behavior even childhood. At the meeting, rescuers told the children fire safety rules. In particular, staff management DSNS remind kids about the danger of playing with matches and where it might lead. The children listened attentively words and when rescuers heard the question Koodand need to call in an emergency, chorus shouted: « one, zero, one,! & raquo ;. In turn, the kindergarten students also prepared for the meeting. They showed a miniature theater « mice and matches & raquo ;, and, by teachers, organized the relay on fire theme. Withinthe event they competed in drawing fire board, puzzle, depicting the fire safety rules, participated in the liquidation « fire & raquo ;. However, the most admired in kindergarten pupils caused contest in which educators simulated situation and challenge kids to determine under which emergency number should beulo call. Finally, the kids told poems on fire theme. Such meetings are traditional and are held to teaching children safety rules in case of fire. It should be noted that such events are extremely important. Thanks to them is the ability to tell the children about how to act in case of fire, and cis, in turn, will prevent trouble. Press Service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
