Polish-Ukrainian cooperation PAUCI held a seminar for NGOs Chernihiv for

NGO representatives Chernihiv April 20-22 PAUCI Foundation held a seminar on "Public participation in implementing participatory budgeting mechanisms." Seminar organized within the Polish-Ukraivein cooperation PAUCI "participatory budget - increasing opportunities for public activity and establish a proper partnership with the government." During the three-day workshop, the participants together with the Polish and Ukrainian experts were able to learn from the experience of Poland to enhance public participation in decision-making, methodsnology implementation mechanisms of public budget (participatory budget), and discussed the practice of public participation in the budget process in Ukraine. Workshop participants took part in practical exercises with organizing and conducting meetings with residents and developing a plan for implementing participatory budget in the city. Chernihiv. In addition, obhovoreni possible principles and mechanisms of cooperation between the public and the local government in the implementation of participatory budgeting. Experts seminar was Boris Martel - representative of the NGO "Topography", Lodz, an expert on participatory budgeting; Justin Pivka coordinator participatory budget of the Public Communicationsand the Municipality of Warsaw; Natalia Grinchuk, PhD, associate professor of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Research Institute of socio-economic development of Kyiv City State Administration. The seminar together with community assetistamy taken as representatives of relevant departments of the city and members of the city council. Reference: The methodology of participatory budgeting ("participation budget", "social budget") is a form of direct democracy and is defined as an open process of discussion and decision-making in which all the inhabitants of the locality has the opportunity to submits own proposal and by voting to decide how to spend a part of the local budget. The project Polish-Ukrainian cooperation PAUCI "participatory budget - increasing opportunities for public activity and establish a proper partnership with the government" aims to promote the spread of a new mechanism of participationin Ukraine (in Cherkassy, ??Poltava and Chernihiv) using Polish experience in this field. The said project provides training city government officials, community activists methodology for implementing participatory budget process, study tours to Poland, as well as developing and implementing through the Ukrainians foreign experts and local budgeting model with the participation of citizens in the partner cities. Department of Public Relations of the City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/