New "Route ¹1» utter the way King Danylo

In previous releases "Route ¹1» «Day" began its "journey" Ukrainian space of freedom. Talking about the different regions and cities, the creative team was trying to create a kind of gloss multivariate guide - in space and time, along horizons and back centuries. She studied historyychni and advanced components of this space, people, without which it would not be possible, personal stories of those who are now his works. And the new "Route ¹1» is harmonious continuation of the course. Cover release This was reported in the press service of the newspaper « Day & raquo ;. With the new release « Route ¹1 » Readers will learn about « Danielthat created a state that respected the world & raquo ;. Historian Alexander Golovko said about the role of King Volyn and Galich in Ukrainian history and its comparison with Alexander Nevsky. And – 10 facts about Daniel Romanovich, you need to know every Ukrainian. &Laquo; And importantly, the whole story is not confrontational, – Daniel Galician orDaniel Volyn … No, he is the king of Volyn and Galich Hill, the period when it was picked up by the glory of the Kievan state, – writes in his column to the traditional opening « Route ¹1 » Chief Editor « Day » Ms. Ivshyna. &Ndash; Finally, he regained his throne in Kiev, we should fix as progress inbearing and achievements. Of course, it was noticeable in Europe, because by chance Pope crowned Daniel … But the important thing is that we organically, in the ongoing struggle for freedom and Europe have found that we have a great heritage. We opened this virtual « treasure chest & raquo ;, everyone can take it ... » And it's not all that preparedcreative team « Day » readers « Route ¹1 » and lovers of history and travels. For example, in the pages of glossy kind of tour you'll find three capitals King – Vladimir, Galich and hills. And – virtual tour of XIII – the fourteenth century, when the Volyn-Galician principality became a political andspiritual successor of Kievan Rus, its high artistic achievements. You will learn that craft flourished during the reign of Daniel, what then dressed women and decorations are worn. And, of course, « route ¹1 » will infographics traditional desserts royal kitchens of Edward Nasyrova that can be prepared in the kitchen, andmany other interesting and useful information. Questions 31 « Route ¹1. About Daniel. King Volyn and Galich » since April 24 in kiosks or press Book Online « Day & raquo ;. &Laquo; And all visitors, including businessmen, can join the circle of our partners and present themselves and their projects in these « routemax & raquo ;, – stressed in « & raquo ;. Days Told
