What is a wheelchair (chair)

"movement - that's life." This phrase, which left and right apologists declare a healthy lifestyle, we all know. However, we do not always stick to it, which ultimately leads to the fact that we have to solve problems with their health. Problems that people turn to hospitals- Quite different. Some caused serious illnesses requiring hospitalization and no less hospitalization others - injuries that occur suddenly on its own or external fault and also require delivery of the victim to the hospital. Anyway, in all these states is a common feature possible - they can state caused when a person temporarilyor permanently lose the ability to move independently or movement is not recommended by your doctor. In this case it is necessary to take care of individual means of transportation for the patient (injured, disabled), ie wheelchair (chair). This vehicle as specialized wheelchairs. In general (most inIdoma people to mass culture) contains: ergonomic seat on the frame, to which are attached the wheel. Typically, the wheelchair contains two pairs of wheels: small in diameter - front and large rear. This design is dictated largely functional features of its use, so you can easily and conveniently hands Obertthou rear wheels, causing the entire system in motion. Another essential feature of these vehicles is the presence of rear handles that allow an outsider (eg, nursing, nurses, relatives) carry chair with the patient in the right direction. Typically, most models wheelchairs can easily transform itself in orderso that when folded they can be easily transported in checked baggage. There are models that are produced by a particular type of disease or due to individual physiological characteristics of the patient. They can be equipped with additional ergonomic pads, massagers, head restraints. Some models are equipped with batteries andcan move independently (they have provided controls).

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/