Volyn region: in Vladimir - Volyn rules of civil protection rescuers pupils were taught in fire and rescue

of the April 22 state employees Fire - Rescue number of 7 m. Vladimir Volyn a tour for students of secondary school number 2, which taught the rules of safe behavior. First rescuerstold the students the basic rules of fire and technological security procedure in case of emergencies, detect suspicious and explosive devices. They were then introduced to the rescue and fire engines, military equipment and technical equipment emergency personnel « 101 » . Firefightersand demonstrated combat clothing to protect them during the implementation challenges, and children with pleasure tried to his special devices and clothing rescue - fire helmets worn and photographed for memory. At the end of the tour staff DSNS students were given calendars and postcards to the terms of life safety. In DSNS Volynarea

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/