Ternopil region, rescuers were coming through thick
daily combat robot fighters fire and rescue units carried out in different circumstances: in smoky and toxic environments at high temperatures, the threat of explosions and collapses at heights and in the basement during the liquidation of natural disasters and catastrophes. This causes certainin the specificity of a lifeguard, combined with systematic work in an unusual environment and continuous neuro-psychological stress. Therefore, one of the main tasks is to develop in Ukraine fighters DSNS high-willed and professional combat psychological qualities: the desire to complete the combat mission, confidence in their profesiyniy skills and support colleagues in critical situations, the ability to think rationally, quickly and correctly to make decisions and act in a tense and dangerous situations at critical moments to show patience and resilience, the ability to quickly respond to changing circumstances. The development of these qualities primarily carried out in the classroom prepared for physicalvky, during fire and tactical exercises, Exercises in teplodymokameri. However, for the successful formation and consolidation of these qualities necessary to carry out psychological and special psychological preparation for firing lanes. It is for passing lanes psychological training students academic point of educational and methodical pricesTrue Life Safety in Ternopil region arrive in the 4th State of the Fire and Rescue Department. In teplovidbyvnyh suits that can withstand over 800 degrees under high temperature, future soldiers began to overcome the band. It should be added that the basis of the principle of training create circumstances thatas close to the fire. In lane simulated space and influential factors of fire created difficulties and obstacles imposed surprise elements and lack of time. In such circumstances, performed the actual types of combat actions. Future firefighters cope with the task perfectly.Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/