Bukovina police found the intruder who robbed odnoselchanyna to

law enforcement officers using Kelmenetsky turned 24-year-old resident of the village Lenkivtsi. A man reported that his home had stolen camera cost about 1 thousand. Employees CID local police department conducted a series of search operations Matodiv. In particular, the police interviewed the residents of nearby houses. While talking, people told investigators that they saw a suspicious man who was near the place of the crime. The information obtained from the public helped police officers to identify the attacker. They found 42-year-old victim odnoselchanyn.It is known that an attacker previously brought to criminal liability for committing property crimes. The man confessed to their crimes and explained that he planned to sell stolen camera. As it turned out, the attacker to the victim came to visit for a glass of alcohol. The men sat down and drank pretty. After drinking "okovytoyi" victim Mr.went a little rest, and the attacker left alone. In one of the rooms in the closet he saw the camera. The man grabbed the device and ran away from home. On this fact openly criminal proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The attacker threatened punishment of imprisonment for a term of three years. The investigation durAilleux. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/