At Vinnytsia Regional State Administration Chairman informed the district managers with experience in solid waste to landfill Stadnitsky (+ photos)

April 22 the head of the region Valery Cow with heads of regional state administrations and district councils visited the area landfill near the village Stadnytsia Vinnytsia region that expluatuyetsya communal enterprise "Ekovin." During the visit, leaders familiar with the organization of activities entered into force last year solid waste stations and mechanism of production of electricity from landfill gas. As Director of utilities and landscaping Vinnitsa City Council Yuri Pavlinchuk, stationsI is still in beta. Sorting of secondary raw materials carry 15 people. At the same full power setting function after the introduction of separate waste collection, which will start in the winery as a pilot project in June this year. According to Deputy Governor Vasily brewers, the herdytskomu landfill established a system of compulsory layered peresypky and tamping to fire happened wastes. Powered appropriate technology. "Together with German companies were built 12 wells consolidated into a single line. These wells shown in the gas supplied to CHP unit is burned, and thusproduces electricity. For city officials working winery Energy on the settlement of relations on filing of electricity by "green" tariff in a single grid "- said Basil the industry. As part of the project of the funds from the sale of electricity generated will contribute to the restoration Smithyezvalyscha. In the future, as the installation of another 12 gas producing wells. After reviewing the organization Stadnitsky on recycling landfill, RSA chairman Valery Cow noted a positive experience in this area. "The theme of solid waste management is very crucial for the Vinnytsia region, and for UkraineAgali. We wanted to show that there are ways to deal with this situation. Because these ranges we are many, and the question arises: what next? what and how to do? And what we see here - from the peresypky garbage, well completion, the fact offset by an aggressive environment - one of the most promising ways. And now we can govoryty that even if an object was near the settlement, there is nothing to fear "- said Valery cow. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
