Over two thousand soldiers from ATO Vinnichiny expressed a desire to receive land

Main Department Derzhzemahenstva in Vinnitsa region elegant new tracts of land and monitoring performed previously prepared land. So, today in the Vinnytsia region may transfer the ownership to the participants of counterterroristoperation land 351 array of state-owned land for agricultural purposes outside the settlements with a total area of ??2449.30 hectares, including 45 arrays for individual gardening total area 139.41 ha and 306 arrays for subsidiary farming - 2309.89 ha . Incidentally, the Chief MANAGEMENTtion and village, town and city councils appealed in 2038 participants of counterterrorist operations solicited land. Of these 1643 soldiers have received orders for permission to develop land management projects on land allocation for a total approximate area of ??848.81 hectares. However, the 293 participants trained andydano orders (decision) on approval of land use to land allocation and transfer of the ownership of a total area of ??45.2026 hectares in the region for the above purposes. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/