Started at the receiving undue advantage investigators uncovered
criminal and exposure of corruption among police officers - one of the main tasks of a police department of Homeland Security. Employees find this service "dishonest" policemen and draw them into compliance with current legislation. 18 Liuof the department of internal security DVB Affairs of Ukraine in the Ternopil region in cooperation with regional SBU operatives and regional prosecutor's office was "on hot" when receiving improper benefits operative worker of one of the departments of the Interior region. Operatives demanded and received remuneration for drawing to justice. Information on this fact Ternopil Regional Prosecutor's Office investigators made to a single register of pre-trial investigations. Actions suspect qualify under Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - the proposal, promise or obtain undue advantage by an official. Pre-trial investigationsconduct of the investigating prosecutor. Employees of the department of internal security DVB Affairs of Ukraine in the Ternopil region refer to the residents of the area, if you have information on abuses or violations of the law by the police, please contact the Department of Homeland Security, which is located at: Ternopil, street Gross, 11. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukrainein Ternopil regionSource: