Rivne region, evaluated preparedness actions forestry companies in the region to the fire risk period
In order to prevent fires and fires of forest, torfopoliv and enhance fire protection forest fire period in 2015, employees of the Main Directorate DSNS together with representatives departamentu Agroindustrial Development Administration, Rivne Regional Forestry and Hunting and state enterprise « Rivnetorf » for 15 – April 17 assesses the readiness of government action and civil defense forces forestry farms and torfopidpryyemstv if appearancesof emergencies and measures to eliminate them, Stand ’ knitted of fire in ecosystems. During the implementation of the exercise was conducted 11 firefighting in natural ecosystems with practical for actions of territorial subsystems unified state civil defense system, demonstration of fire, engineering andadapted equipment for fire fighting purposes, manual fire fighting, entrenching tool and knapsack extinguishers. When assessing preparedness actions very carefully studied the situation of availability and serviceability rescue techniques in forestry, its staffing, the ability to create reserve funds of funds Fire-fightingseed, fuel and lubricants. The participants also convinced that all in ’ ride into the forest offset barriers, installed warning stands, made mineralized protective strip. In the forest stock special equipment to fight fires, which is in standby around the clock. Foresters carry out daily aboutgo forth territories. Responses are held in each district of Rivne under the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine and instructed the Rivne Regional State Administration « on the Prevention and Combating the possible threats to the life and health ’ S citizens in emergency situations related ’ knitted with fireWe in natural ecosystems, and prompt response, and to improve the fire protection of settlements and increased personal responsibility local authorities & raquo ;. It should be noted that rescuers during fire-dangerous period actively cooperate with employees Forestry and Hunting of the Lordrstva instructed interaction of the Main Directorate DSNS Ukraine in Rivne Rivne Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting while fighting forest fires and in case of emergencies and events. Meanwhile, rescuers again urge citizens to take extreme care when usageystanni fire in nature to rest did not cause large-scale fires. PG DSNS in Rivne regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/