DSNS Ukraine warns citizens not to provoke fire in ecosystems! In

BC ’ communication with increasing temperature and the onset of the spring season, people began to clean up the garden plots, lands and burning dry grass last year. Thus, increasing by half the number of fires in ecosystems. People do not understand what their carelessness and negligence claimEid burning dead time can cause large-scale fires. Massive fire can have negative consequences for the environment and for people, cause fire buildings, destroy power lines, gas and oil pipelines, forest plantations. That is why the State Emergency Service of Ukraine urges citizens observancemuvatysya fire safety near forests, open areas and gardens while cleaning dilyanok.Ne burn dry grass, dilute a fire in the woods, do not create garbage in the forest and adjacent areas, especially not incinerate them. After all, this leads to large-scale fires and tragic consequences. Remember that Supernatural beings in Slavic folklorene burning or residual, kindling fire and the use of open flames in the forests is strictly prohibited. Press office DSNS Ukraine

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/