In the Volyn region kovelchanyna who did not pay child support, 120 hours of work for the good of the community Last year

people owe their children more than 10 thousand. In accordance with the Kovel district court on 30.07.2003, the volynyanyn had to pay maintenance to his wife daughter and son alimony in the amount of 1/3 of all kinds it Zarobitku. However, from 1 January 2014, despite repeated warnings of state executive service of criminal responsibility, financial assistance for child support is not provided. His actions in court the man explained that did not work. As a result, he owed to children over 10 thousand. Guilty of committing rightviolations under Part. 1, Art. 164 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, kovelchanyna fully acknowledged. As a result, the court sentenced him - 120 hours of community service. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
