Was published the third book "Rehabilitated history. Ternopil region "
The third book science documentary series" Rehabilitated history. Ternopil region "includes brief biographical information about people who were innocent victims of terror and repression by the infamous" political "article of the Criminal Code of the former Soviet republics,- Natives and residents of four current Ternopil regions: Kozova, Kremenetskogo, Lanivtsi and Monastyrskyi. They were in a legal way rehabilitated, mostly in the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s. List repressed in these areas is almost 5 thousand people. Basic information about repressed takenand from the archives of the SBU in Ternopil region. and the State Archives of Ternopil region. And because these archives are not preserved information about all repressed, especially pre-war period in 1939-1941., And there are difficulties in access to criminal arrested for political reasons, the editorial and publishing group enjoyedother documentary sources in compiling the list of victims of the repression. In the said list also includes biographical information about people from Ternopil, who were persecuted outside their homeland, especially those in 1920-1930's, when the territory of modern Ternopil region was part of Poland, lived in the Soviet Union and was innocentvictim of political terror. Thus the memory of them returned to their homeland after decades of oblivion only now, in the independent Ukraine. The third book "Rehabilitated history. Ternopil region "delivered to all areas and the regional council, the National Archives of Ternopil region, museums and public organizations. This was reported in itemRep Ternopil regional council serviceSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/