In the historical buildings of Ternopil will table with QR-codes

on the facades of historic about ’ objects Ternopil, including the Old Castle, Drama Theatre, Museum in political ’ yazniv, regional art and local history museum and the wall Regional Philharmonic will are special tables with QR-codes. With these codes, MAing program on your mobile phone, ordinary Ternopil inhabitants and tourists can get information about ’ object. &Laquo; Links through code will display tourist site of which you can read about the historical value of the buildings and interesting facts related ’ attributable to it - says head of strategiction of Yuri Dejneka. &Ndash; These tables will be placed on buildings, but for the city ’ Monument we have another option. In particular, QR-codes for them to be made much smaller and they kripytymutsya bottom pedestal & raquo ;. As George adds Dejneka by the end of the year with these tablets ’ appear at all points of about ’ yektah city. AboutThis was reported in the Ternopil City Council
