Zhytomyr: in secondary school ¹8 the Day of Civil Protection of the trip "Country Security"

In order to increase public awareness of preventing the occurrence of various emergencies, April 16 at secondary school I-III regional center number 8 The day of civil defense . To attach eventysya rescuers, pyrotechnics, physicians, law enforcement, military and city guide. Rescuers in a simple and accessible way told the children about how to behave in identifying explosive objects and what to do if they caught fire in the room. Nadzvychaynyky demonstrated how to use the powderextinguisher and showed some instructive videos on fire theme. They also worked out an action as students and staff in case of extraordinary situations in the premises of the institution. All invested in controlling the time to do the evacuation and witnessed acts of professional rescuers to eliminate fire. Before the event organizers have activated a school playground, which is located « Country Security & raquo ;. The students were divided into groups and went in instructive tour improvised countries that included Mr. ’ Five thematic stations – &Laquo; Fire & raquo ;, « Medical & raquo ;, « Rescue & raquo ;, « Chemical »and « explosive & raquo ;. During the trip, the children tried on a fire-fighting clothing rescuers acquainted with the special equipment rescuers studied the rules of providing first aid to the victim and the rules of safe behavior while on the waters. Also everybody smog had to wear the mask andCombined protective set OZK. When « leaving the « Countries Security » last stop was at alarming title « explosive & raquo ;. Were presented models of various explosive devices, as wartime and present, and their means of search and discovery. Immediately representatives of fireworks mortarsbit Office DSNS adjusted to the younger generation procedure in detecting even any explosive objects or objects like him. - When all preventive measures such school youth in a comprehensive way can not only learn the theoretical material, but also reinforce your knowledge into practice. This is the first brickstrong base « Security Life & raquo ;, what was to become the foundation and are further complemented by a new experience - said interim Duty ’ yazky DSNS Head of Ukraine in Zhytomyr region, Colonel Vasily civil protection Kuchyn. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/